Tips, trick and new models every day! If you want to have a chance to have your model posted, take a picture, write something about it and send it to:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mech Tutorial

Another one of my tutorial vids, this time its a tutorial for making a mech / hardsuit.

Anyways, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mini Walkers

As you can see, this week I have started to make mechas and walkers. I'm still not very good at them, but I've  seen some amazing ones on the internet that look pretty easy, so I might get some ideas for more.  These ones are pretty simple, I might make a video on how to make them later. It took me about two minutes to make them, plus another two for making them look good. I'll hopefully make some more mechas soon.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Crab Fighter

This model I made from almost 100%  of the pieces from a set that I got and then destroyed it for the pieces. (I think the set is called the "hyena bomber" or something, but thats not really important.)
It took me about an hour to make it, because all the pieces were already there so I didn't need to look for them.

Friday, March 25, 2011

F-35 fighter jet

Hello! Today I have one of my personal favorites, the F-35 fighter jet. It started out as a f-16, and I thought it looked crappy, so  I changed it into a f-18, and then about a month later I wanted to change it again. So I almost totally rebuilt it into an F-22, and I changed it several times, then I got bored and changed it into an F-35. Anyways, it has V.T.O. (vertical take off) like the harrier jump jet, and is a stealth plane. There is a cargo /bomb hold near the back, and the jet engine at the back can rotate downwards for the V.T.O. It took me about a year and a half to go from the F-16 to the current version, although I will probably change it again later on.

 Heres the engine...
And heres the engine rotated for V.T.O.

This is a pic of the cargo hold. Its about three bricks deep and eight long.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Robot scorpion

So, this model I made to look like half a scorpion and half... well, I dunno. Maybe a futuristic attack robot or something? The "head" can turn 360 degrees and the tail can turn from side to side and contract. Anyways, here it is. Enjoy!!
It took me about an hour to make.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hello again! Here's a lego tutorial on how to build a .50 cal sniper rifle, and a arm backpack. I'll hopefully make more vids/tutorials and post them on youtube and on this blog.

White snow speeder

Hello everyone!!! So, this model is kinda AWESOME because it just looks cool. I originally wanted to make a turret, so I built the middle part, but it looked like the base of a speeder so I built onto it and, well, here it is. Surprisingly, this took me almost two hours to make because I wanted it to look aerodynamic, while using the smallest amount of pieces.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tip of the week

So, this weeks tip is when you're making models of fast things, ex. planes, spaceships, or fast cars, always keep them streamlined. I mean, if you had a car that could, in theory could go 200 km per hours, and it was boxy like a hummer or had stuff sticking out everywhere, it's more likely to go 75 km/h. same thing goes with planes and spaceships. Keep them streamlined!! If you make slower models like the attack howitzer, then it's okay to have them a bit more boxy. But only by a bit.

Attack howitzer

Sorry I didn't post for so long!! I was sick with some kind of flu or something.
Anyways, heres my next model. It probably took me 4 hours to make, ( btw, I'm saying four hours total building time, not Four in one go. It usually takes two days to build a model ) and I think it's awesome. Definetely the biggest model I've built yet. Probably ever, judging by the pieces it took to make.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


This is my attack ship that I based on a ship in one of my ipod touch games. In the game it's called the Wraith, so thats what i'll call it too.
It took me a bit more than an hour to make.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tip of the week

Every weekend, I will post a tip to help you build better models.

The first tip is: Always keep your model color coordinated. If, for example, I made a model that is all sorts of colors then it wouldn't look too good. It is good to have more than one color on your model though - only if they look good together. Ex.

Dark red and brown.
Black and a bit of yellow.
Black and dark grey.
White and light grey.
Dark blue and dark grey.
White and a bit of dark red.

It's good to keep the amount of colors on a model at a minimum to make it look good.

Attack speeder red

Another one of my models. I like this one because usually my models are grey or black but this one is dark red and still looks good. The black wings at the back can move up and down for stability. This model took me about two and a half hours to build

Friday, February 25, 2011

Space speeder

Heres the model I broke to build the attack scorpion.
It took me about an hour to build.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Avatar Scorpion

This is my first model posted! It's based on the scorpion chopper in avatar.
It took me about two  hours to make this and I destroyed one of my older ones. I'll try and find a photo of it later.