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Friday, March 25, 2011

F-35 fighter jet

Hello! Today I have one of my personal favorites, the F-35 fighter jet. It started out as a f-16, and I thought it looked crappy, so  I changed it into a f-18, and then about a month later I wanted to change it again. So I almost totally rebuilt it into an F-22, and I changed it several times, then I got bored and changed it into an F-35. Anyways, it has V.T.O. (vertical take off) like the harrier jump jet, and is a stealth plane. There is a cargo /bomb hold near the back, and the jet engine at the back can rotate downwards for the V.T.O. It took me about a year and a half to go from the F-16 to the current version, although I will probably change it again later on.

 Heres the engine...
And heres the engine rotated for V.T.O.

This is a pic of the cargo hold. Its about three bricks deep and eight long.

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